Cyprus-Pyla Excavation Project

The new research project at Pyla (since 2014) is a joint venture between the Universities of Ghent and Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) and the Mediterranean Archaeological Society (Greece), respectively directed by
Prof. Joachim Bretschneider, Prof. Jan Driessen and Dr. Athanasia Kanta

Upcoming Events - News

- Public PhD Defense: Ioanna Kostopoulou - 11.06.2024

The Multicultural Character of the Settlement of Pyla-Kokkinokremos on Cyprus around 1200 BCE: Ceramic Analysis and Interpretation (Promotors: Prof. Joachim Bretschneider & PD Dr. Reinhard Jung) - 11.06.2024 - 15.00 - Auditorium D, Blok B-Blok C (Campus Rommelaere), A. Baertsoenkaai 3, 9000 Gent.

- Lecture: PD Dr. Reinhard Jung (Austrian Academy of Sciences) - 11.06.2024

From Aḫḫiyawa to Alašiya: Diachronic Changes in Mycenaean Pottery Export to Cyprus - 11.06.2024 – 11.15-12.00 - Henri-Pirenne - UFO-Building - Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33-35, 9000 Gent.


The Cyprus-Pyla Excavation Project is funded by:

The project benefits from the aid of the Department of Antiquities: Dr. Giorgos Georgiou, Dr. Marina Solomidou-Ieronimydou, Dr. Despo Pilides, Dr. Anna Satraki, Dr. Pantelitsa Mylona and Eftychia Zachariou. We also thank the British Sovereign base for facilitating our work at the Pyla plateau.

The project is carried out in collaboration with: