Cyprus-Pyla Excavation Project
The new research project at Pyla (since 2014) is a joint venture between the Universities of Ghent and Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) and the Mediterranean Archaeological Society (Greece), respectively directed by
Prof. Joachim Bretschneider, Prof. Jan Driessen and Dr. Athanasia Kanta
RECENT Events - News
Lecture by Dr. Tatiana Pedrazzi - 02.12.2024
The Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus and the ComPAS ERC Starting Grant invite you to a hybrid public lecture (ZOOM & the ARU building) on Monday, December 2nd 2024, at 19:30 (Athens Time zone) by Dr. Tatiana Pedrazzi, Senior researcher, National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Heritage Science, Milan, Italy, titled: "Between the Levantine coast and Cyprus: Canaanite commercial jars as indicators of cross-cultural contacts (13th-12th centuries BCE)"
For registration:
- Public PhD Defense: Ioanna Kostopoulou - 11.06.2024
The Multicultural Character of the Settlement of Pyla-Kokkinokremos on Cyprus around 1200 BCE: Ceramic Analysis and Interpretation (Promotors: Prof. Joachim Bretschneider & PD Dr. Reinhard Jung) - 11.06.2024 - 15.00 - Auditorium D, Blok B-Blok C (Campus Rommelaere), A. Baertsoenkaai 3, 9000 Gent.
- Lecture: PD Dr. Reinhard Jung (Austrian Academy of Sciences) - 11.06.2024
From Aḫḫiyawa to Alašiya: Diachronic Changes in Mycenaean Pottery Export to Cyprus - 11.06.2024 – 11.15-12.00 - Henri-Pirenne - UFO-Building - Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33-35, 9000 Gent.
New publications:
Driessen J., Gaignerot-Driessen F. & Hermon S., Sphinx or warrior? A small, bronze head from Pyla-Kokkinokremos, Cyprus, in: Journal of Greek Archaeology 9, 2024, 305-325.
312 Pages
ISBN: 978-2-39061-344-2
To buy, see:
The Cyprus-Pyla Excavation Project is funded by:
Special Research Fund Ghent University
FWO/ G010218N “A Time Capsule of the Crisis Period”
the Rust Family Foundation for the C-PEPL of the Uclouvain
the ARC : "A World in Crisis?" Archaeological and Epigraphical Perspectives on the Late Bronze Age (13th c. B.C.) Mediterranean Systems'Collapse: a case study approach.
the Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP)
Private sponsors. All Gifts are tax deductible. Donations, mentioning CYPRUS-PYLA EXCAVATIONS, can be sent to IBAN BE29 2710 3664 0164 - BIC: GEBABEBB , or to IBAN BE22 3101 4238 2447 - BIC: BBRUBEBB
The project benefits from the aid of the Department of Antiquities: Dr. Giorgos Georgiou, Dr. Marina Solomidou-Ieronimydou, Dr. Despo Pilides, Dr. Anna Satraki, Dr. Pantelitsa Mylona and Eftychia Zachariou. We also thank the British Sovereign base for facilitating our work at the Pyla plateau.