Publications and Lectures
Driessen J., Gaignerot-Driessen F. & Hermon S., Sphinx or warrior? A small, bronze head from Pyla-Kokkinokremos, Cyprus, in: Journal of Greek Archaeology 9, 2024, 305-325.
Porta F. & Cannavò V., Pyla-Kokkinokremos (Cyprus) and Late Bronze Age Mediterranean networks: The role of the pithoi, in Dynamics and Developments of Social Structures and Networks in Pre- and Protohistoric Cyprus, edited by T. Bürge & L. Recht, 2024.
Kanta A., Sardinians at Pyla-Kokkinokremos in Cyprus, in Cultural Contacts and Trade in Nuragic Sardinia: The Southern Route, in Sardinia, Sicily, Crete, Cyprus. Proceedings of the 4th Festival of the Nuragic Civilizations (Orolli, Cagliari), 2021, 69-75.
Porta F. & Cannavò V., Pyla-Kokkinokremos in the LBA Mediterranean networks: New data from petrographic analyses on pithoi, Proceedings of the 2021 ICAANE workshop, 2021.
Porta F., Value and territories. Pithoi, Storerooms and Redistribution across The Eastern Mediterranean, Aegean and Italy during the Bronze Age, PhD Thesis, Universiteit Gent Academic Bibliography, 2019.
Short reports
PhD Research
Ioanna Kostopoulou (defended in 2024), The multicultural character of the Pyla-Kokkinokremos settlement around 1200 B.C. by means of pottery analysis and interpretation, joint PhD Ghent University - Universität Tübingen.
Martina Polig (defended 2022), Investigating Cypriot-Minoan writing through 3D technologies, joint PhD Ghent University - Cyprus Institute, Nicosia.
Francesca Porta (defended 2019), Value and Territories : Pithoi, Storerooms, Redistribution Across the Eastern, joint PhD Ghent University - Sapienza University Rome.
Brussel 2022, International conference Minerals in Ancient Egypt, from Naqada to Alexandria, Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences 4-5.10.2022: A. Crabbé & J. Bretschneider, Distribution and value of Egyptian calcite-alabaster drop jars throughout the Eastern Mediterranean (poster).
Tel Aviv 2022, International Conference Urbanization in the Iron Age Levant and Beyond, Bar-Ilan University 18-22.09.2022: J. Bretschneider, The 2014-2021 excavations on the south-eastern lobe of the Pyla-Kokkinokremos plateau: An architectural analysis of Sector 5 and 7.
Louvain-la-Neuve 2022, Aegis Day VI, 17.05.2022, F. Porta (UCLouvain), Pithos production at Pyla-Kokkinokremos (Cyprus) during the 13th century BC: New evidence from petrographic analyses.
Nicosia 2022, Archaeological Research Unit, 21.03.2022, J. Driessen J. Bretschneider & A. Kanta, Rethinking Pyla-Kokkinokremos, A late 13th-century BC fortified settlement in Cyprus.
Nicosia 2022, 3rd International Congress on Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (ICAS-EMME 3), 16.03.2022: E. Margaritis, C. Henkel, L. Bombardieri, J. Bretschneider, J. Driessen, A. Kanta, S. Manning & D. Pilides, What’s different in 2nd millennium agriculture.
Basel 2021, 18th Meeting on Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology, 09.12-11.12.2021, F. Porta (Ghent University - Sapienza University Rome), Cypriot Pythoi across the Mediterranean.
Bologna 2021, 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 6-10.04.2021, I. Kostopoulou (UGhent / Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna/Universität Tübingen), Some pottery imports from Pyla-Kokkinokremos (Cyprus), and what they can tell.
Bologna 2021, 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 6-10.04.2021, F. Porta and V. Cannavò (La Sapienza University of Rome / Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Pyla-Kokkinokremos in the LBA Mediterranean networks: a view from pithoi.
Heidelberg 2021, Internes Kolloquium SoSe 21, Institute of Classical Archaeology and Byzantine Archaeology at Heidelberg University, 23.07.2021, F. Porta, Storage in times of crisis. Pithoi and storage vessels at Pyla-Kokkinokremos (Cyprus) at the end of the 13th century-early 12th century BC.
Tarragona 2021, Eurotech project webinar series, Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC), 25.03.2021, S. Hermon, Advancing archaeological research with Science and Technology @Pyla-Kokkinokremos, A Late Bronze Age site in Cyprus.
Budapest 2020, 26th EAA Virtual Annual Meeting, 24-30.08.2020, M. Polig, S. Hermon, J. Bretschneider, 3D approaches in palaeographic research – the case of Cypro-Minoan writing.
Gothenburg 2020, International Congress The Decline of Bronze Age Civilisations in the Mediterranean: Cyprus and Beyond, 17.01.2020, J. Bretschneider, J. Driessen & A. Kanta, Results of the excavation seasons 2014-2019 at Pyla-Kokkinokremos, Cyprus: A short-lived settlement at the end of the Bronze Age.
Gothenburg 2020, International Congress The Decline of Bronze Age Civilisations in the Mediterranean: Cyprus and Beyond, 17.01.2020, S. Hermon, J. Bretschneider, J. Driessen & A. Kanta, Integrating sciences and technologies at Pyla-Kokkinokremos.
Nicosia 2020, The Cyprus Institute, S. Hermon, Advanced methods of in situ artefact analysis based on integrated analytical and digital approaches, Archaeological Science Methods in the Field and in the Laboratory: What, How and Why Workshop.
Paris 2019, Collège de France, Colloque Ougarit, 90 ans après, 15.11.2019, J. Bretschneider, J. Driessen & A. Kanta, The relation between Cyprus und Ugarit at the end of the Late Bronze Age in the light of the new discoveries at Pyla-Kokkinokremos.
Nicosia 2019, CAARI, S. Hermon, When the Computers meets the Bronze Age - Integration of GNSS & Aerial Photogrammetry in a GIS to map Pyla-Kokkinokremmos.
Nicosia 2019, CAARI, S. Hermon, STAR-LAB - in-situ science and technology - Investigations of archaeological material at Pyla-Kokkinokremos, Poster.
Tübingen 2018, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), 19-23.08.2018, M. Polig, S. Hermon, J. Bretschneider, G. Sorrentino, Virtual Experimentation - Reasoning on the original appearance and use modality of an extraordinary archaeological find from Pyla (Cyprus) with high-resolution 3D models.
Vienna 2018, OREA, 31.01.2018, J. Driessen, Excavations at Sissi (Crete) and Pyla (Cyprus). Results of the Recent Excavations.
Bucharest 2018, Chemistry for Cultural Heritage Congress – Biblioteca Centrala Universitara Carol I, 07.2018, S. Hermon, S. Gasanova, M. Polig, G. Sorrentino, S. Jusseret, J. Driessen, A. Kanta & J. Bretschneider, STAR-LAB-in situ science and technology investigations of archaeological material at Pyla-Kokkinokremos (poster).
Rome 2018, Seminario Della Scuola di Dottorato in Archeologia, II Edition, Sapienza-University of Rome, F. Porta, The production of storage vessels in Cyprus in the Late Bronze Age (1650-1050 BC.). Technological Analysis of pithoi from Pyla-Kokkinokremos.
Tübingen 2018, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) Conference, 19-23.03.2018, M. Polig, S. Hermon, S. Jusseret, J. Driessen, G. Sorrentino, A. Kanta & J. Bretschneider, Virtual Experimentation – Reasoning on the original appearance and use of a bronze implement from Pyla-Kokkinokremos (Cyprus) with high-resolution 3D models.
Nicosia 2018, CAARI: The 37th Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop, Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 16.06.2018, J. Bretschneider, A. Kanta & J. Driessen, S. Hermon, Pyla-Kokkinokremos.
Louvain-La-Neuve 2018, AEGIS DAY III, Aegis Research group, 27.03.2018, J. Driessen, Preliminary Results of the Sissi and Pyla Excavations.
St. Petersburg 2018, Virtual Archaeology Conference, S. Hermon, 3D-assisted artefacts analysis and interpretation - From classification and style to virtual experimentation.
Rome 2017, Seminario Della Scuola di Dottorato in Archeologia, I Edition, Sapienza-University of Rome, F. Porta, Storage and socio-economic organization in Cyprus in the Late Bronze Age (1650-1050 BC).
Athens 2016, Aegeus – Society for Aegean Prehistory, Aegean Lectures, 2.12.2016, J. Driessen, J. Bretschneider & A. Kanta, Pyla-Kokkinokremos: new explorations of a crisis period settlement on Cyprus.
General Bibliography
Brown, M., Waterways and the Political Geography of South-East Cyprus in the Second Millennium BC, BSA 108 (2013), 121-136.
Brown, M., Landscapes of settlement in South-East Cyprus the late Bronze Age origins of a Phoenician polity incorporating the results of fieldwork by the author at Pyla-Kokkinokremos 2007-2009, PhD thesis, 2011.
Brown, M., Pyla-Kokkinokremos Architectural and Landscape Features Survey (2007-2009), RDAC 2013.
Caraher, W., R. S. Moore & D. K. Pettegrew, Pyla-Koutsopetria I: Archaeological Survey of an Ancient Coastal Town, ASOR, 2014.
Cline E., 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed, revised and updated edition, 2021.
Dikaios, P., Enkomi Excavations 1948-1958. Vol. 2, Mainz, 1971.
Georgiou, A., Pyla-Kokkinokremos and Maa-Plaeokastro: A Comparison of two naturally fortified Late Cypriot Settlements, in A. Georgiou (ed.), Cyprus – An Island Culture: Society and Social Relations from the Bronze Age to the Venetian period, Oxford, 2012, 65-83.
Iacovou, M., Aegean-Style Material Culture in Late Cypriot III: Minimal Evidence, Maximal Interpretation, in: E. Killebrew & G. Lehmann, The Philistines and other “Sea Peoples” in Text and Archaeology, Atlanta 2013, 585-618.
Jung R., Innovative Cooks and New Dishes: Cypriote Pottery in the 13th and 12th Centuries B.C.E. and Its Historical Interpretation, in: V. Karageorghis & O. Kouka (eds.), On Cooking Pots, Drinking Cups, Loomweights and Ethnicity in Bronze Age Cyprus and Neighbouring Regions. An International Archaeological Symposium held in Nicosia, November 6th-7th 2010, Nicosia: The A.G. Leventis Foundation, 57-85.
Kaniewski D., Marriner N., Bretschneider J., Jans G., Morhange Ch., Cheddadi R., Otto Th., Luce F., Van Campo E., 300-year drought frames Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age transition in the Near East: New palaeoecological data from Cyprus and Syria, in: Regional Environmental Change, 2019, pp. 11.
Kanta, A., The First Half of the Late Minoan IIIC. Correlations Among Cretan Sites with Reference to Mainland and Cypriote Developments, in: M. Bietak (ed.), The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. II. Proceedings of the SCIEM 2000 - EuroConference, Haindorf, 2nd of May - 7th of May 2001, Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, M. Bietak & H. Hunger (eds.), Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie XXIX. Contributions to the Chronology of the Eastern Mediterranean IV, 2003, 513-538.
Kanta, A. “The Aegean World between East and West. Aspects of Common Cultural Elements from the 16th to the 11th cent, B.C.” Ploes, Sea Routes. From Sidon to Huelva, Interconnections in the Mediterranean, 16th – 6th cent. B.C. Stampolides, N. ed. Athens 2003, 20-40.
Karageorghis, V., What happened in Cyprus c. 1200 BC: hybridization, creolization or immigration? An introduction. On Cooking Pots, Drinking Cups, Loomweights and Ethnicity in Bronze Age Cyprus and Neighbouring Regions: An International Archaeological Symposium held in Nicosia, November 6th-7th 2010, Karageorghis, Vassos and Ourania Kouka, eds. Nicosia: The A.G. Leventis Foundation. 2011, 19-28
Karageorghis, V. & M. Demas, Pyla-Kokkinokremos: A Late 13th-Century BC Fortified Settlement in Cyprus, 1984.
Karageorghis, V. & A. Kanta, Pyla Kokkinokremos. A late 13th cent. B.C. Fortified Settlement in Cyprus. Excavations 2010-2011, in association with Artemis Georgiou. SIMA 2014.
Karageorghis, V. & C. Morris, eds., Defensive Settlements of the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean after c. 1200 B. C. Proceedings of an International Workshop held at Trinity College Dublin, 7th-9th May, 1999. Nicosia: Trinity College Dublin and the Anastasios G. Leventis Foundation, 2001.
Killebrew A. E., Biblical Peoples and Ethnicity: An Archaeological Study of Egyptians, Canaanites, Philistines, and Early Israel, 1300–1100 B.C.E. (Archaeology and Biblical Studies 9), 2005.
Knapp B. A., The Archaeology of Cyprus. From Earliest Prehistory through the Bronze Age (Cambridge World Archaeology), 2013.
Leriou A., Overseas migrations at the end of the Late Bronze Age in the Aegean and the eastern Mediterranean: Some reflections, in: G. Vavouranakis (ed.), The seascape in Aegean Prehistory (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens Volume 14), 2011, 271- 282.
Nowicki K., Review: Vassos Karageorghis, Athanasia Kanta, Pyla-Kokkinokremos: A Late 13th Century BC Fortified Settlement in Cyprus: Excavations 2010-2011. Studies in Mediterranean archaeology Vol 141. Uppsala: Åströms Förlag, 2014, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.
Porta F., Value and territories: Pithoi, Storerooms, Redistribution across the Eastern Mediterranean, Aegean and Italy during the Bronze Age, (PhD Ghent/ La Sapienza Rome 2019)
Sherratt S., The Mediterranean Economy: “Globalization” at the End of the Second Millennium B.C.E., in: W. G. Dever & S. Gitin (eds.), Symbiosis, Symbolism, and the Power of the Past. Canaan, Ancient Israel, and Their Neighbors from the Late Bronze Age through Roman Palaestina, 2003, 37-63.
Yasur-Landau A., The Philistines and Aegean Migration at the End of the Late Bronze Age, 2010.