The aim of the new excavations is to arrive at a better understanding of the nature of the Pyla-Kokkinokremos settlement structure, the reasons for its founding and the circumstances of its desertion. At the same time, we want to understand its regional and interregional context both where its socio-political landscape is concerned and its environmental setting. We also hope that a better definition of its material culture, especially where the ethnic mix is concerned, will allow us a better grasp of its historical reality.
1. The creation of a detailed topographical map which will include all visible remains and the accurate location of earlier trenches excavated on the plateau of Kokkinokremos. This map will also include relevant physical features, natural characteristics, elevations and routes. Through a GIS environment, earlier and no longer visible remains will be added. We will also intend a full aerial coverage of the hill by photographic drone (UAS).
2. Tracing of the potential circuit wall: during the previous campaigns a perimeter wall which at times appears as a casemate structure was identified at several locations, both within and outside excavated areas. This wall seems located just below the flat hill top and not on its edge as expected. Moreover, previous exploration suggests the existence of several offsets. Through limited surface cleaning we aim at tracing the extent of this wall all over the plateau wherever possible. It is hoped that this exploration will clarify the number and location of gates in the casemate wall. It will be recorded topographically, drawn wherever possible and with full vertical photographic coverage by drone.
3. Continuation of the Gate excavation in the southwest sector (Area III) of the site. The trenches opened in 2011 will be extended. This should allow the completion of its ground plan and a clarification of its function. This may yield more evidence for Cypro-Minoan literacy.
4. Random test excavations over the plateau to identify the nature of the occupation. Our specific aim is to detect whether the type of habitation as evidenced in Areas II and III is repeated elsewhere on the plateau and whether special function locations exist that complete functions not yet attested in the already excavated areas. This concerns primarily textile production and refuse dumping but may also provide new data as to the structure of socio-political organization of the settlement. The priority zones to be explored are the centre of the plateau and the centre of the southeast acropolis.
5. Ground-penetrating radar survey and other types of ground-truthing techniques to test whether these methods can successfully be applied to complete the site plan .
6. The conservation of finds and architectural remains and their speedy publication according to current standards.
7. Environmental reconstruction: Most scholars accept that a harbour existed at the foot of the Pyla-Kokkinokremos hill. This reconstruction is based on coring in the kampos which yielded marine silt deposits. This will eventually be backed up by more detailed tests. Moreover, the water provisioning of the site needs additional investigation as does environmental research within the settlement on the basis of selective sampling and water flotation to reconstruct diet and husbandry patterns. With respect to these questions, soil sampling of remarkable archaeological contexts (e.g. floor deposits, storage bins, industrial installations, destruction layers) will be performed for prospective phytolith analyses. This technique should help us elucidate the use of space and plant resources in different activity areas of the settlement.
8. Regional Study. Within a 3 km radius of the site, several other Late Bronze Age sites have been identified whereas other sites like Kition and Hala Sultan Tekke to the west are only at about 2 hours walking distance away (c. 10-13 km). The relationship between these different settlements still needs proper explanation.